
Eco Moms

As one of my main interests, I've become a leader with EcoMom Alliance. The purpose of this international group is to foster awareness of environmental and health concerns for our children (or Grandchildren as in my case). Please visit them here to find out how you can become involved in this very worthy organization. They have some great ideas.

Welcome to my Blog

This is my attempt to share my passion for a healthy lifestyle for all. This is all encompassing as our health is measured not only in how WE feel, but also how the environment around us feels. In other words, if our environment we live in is unhealthy, it affects our own health as well.

My focus will be health for all ages, including a special focus on children. As you can see by my picture, I have 3 little angels (hah!) and I love them dearly. I am most concerned about the environment they are growing up in, not only in the air around them, but the additives and toxins they are exposed to everywhere.

I am also a Health Coach. Please note the box below where you can receive info on Health Coaching and what it means to you.